HML - Holley Metering Ltd.
HML stands for Holley Metering Ltd.
Here you will find, what does HML stand for in Electronics under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Holley Metering Ltd.? Holley Metering Ltd. can be abbreviated as HML What does HML stand for? HML stands for Holley Metering Ltd.. What does Holley Metering Ltd. mean?The China based company is located in Hangzhou, Zhejiang engaged in electrical/electronic manufacturing industry.
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Alternative definitions of HML
- Helping Mold Leaders
- light helicopter squadron
- hard mobile launcher
- Hero Motocorp Ltd
- Hindustan Motors Ltd
- Harper Macleod LLP
- Health Management Ltd
- Hunter Macdonald Ltd
View 94 other definitions of HML on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HCR Health Care Relocations
- HA Helvey and Associates
- HLPL High Level Photography Ltd
- HSRA High School for Recording Arts
- HDR Holman Distribution Richmond
- HI The Huntsville Item
- HCTSNY Hyatt Centric Times Square New York
- HII Horton Interpreting Inc.
- HMOC Heritage Museum of Orange County
- HGA Haines Gipson and Associates
- HW The Health Wagon
- HRS Hermetic Rush Services
- HMSL Holyhead Marine Services Ltd
- HCL The Horsham Clinic Limited
- HLDL Holloways of Ludlow Design Ltd
- HC The Houston Club
- HHI Here's Help Inc.
- HRIA Hire and Rental Industry Association
- HSPL Hunch Software Pvt. Ltd.